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A swift clean-up in the lunch hour

The group of more than a dozen Swiftclean employees were led by Jackie Lansley who is an employee and used to live in the local area. She said, “Cherry Orchard Country Park is such a lovely place to walk so it seemed such a pity for it to be ruined by rubbish that had been carelessly dropped. I just thought something should be done about it and my colleagues agreed, so we put together a working party, asked the council for help and did something about it.”

The cleaning team set out during their lunch hour, in heat wave conditions, and set to work in the popular 200 acre park. Gary Nicholls, Managing Director of Swiftclean, said, “It’s our business to make workplaces safer and cleaner, so it’s a delight for us to do the same for the families and locals who use the park. We hope that the newly cleaned landscape will encourage people to collect their rubbish and take it home with them.”

Jackie commented, “It was also really good fun to do something together and we laughed such a lot. It was great to see it before and after and we hope everyone notices how clean it is and helps to keep it that way. Putting litter in the bin isn’t just a good idea from the perspective of hygiene, it also helps protect wonderful facilities like Cherry Orchard Country Park from the risks of fire during drought and protects the local wildlife.”

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