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Health & Safety part 4 – Work-related stress

Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2022/23.

We can all face pressure at work, regardless of age, experience or job title. Sometimes pressure can motivate and make us more productive.

However, too much pressure can become stressful and affect our happiness and quality of life, leaving us feeling physically and mentally unwell.

How does Swiftclean look after the welfare of its employees?

We have a mental first aider on board to help: Did you know that our HR expert, Victoria Page, is also a qualified Mental Health First Aider? Victoria has a Mental Health First Aider qualification from St John’s Ambulance.

Victoria says, “I welcome open dialogue with all members of the Swiftclean team, no matter how long they have been working with us. By getting to know our employees as people first, I can build rapport which makes it easier for them to speak to me about any issues that may subsequently arise.

It’s Swiftclean’s policy to have open doors so anyone can talk to me, their line manager, or any of the directors if they have a problem. Our line managers receive advice on how to spot changes in their teams, whether it is someone becoming more withdrawn or argumentative or the level of their work dips.

Mental Health First Aid for Managers courses are scheduled to be carried out which will further improve their knowledge and therefore their confidence in speaking to their team about mental health issues.

From the initial induction week at head office that all employees have, I talk to each individual about their lives and what makes them tick, opening communication with them as people, not only employees. This can help later on in their career if they have issues, as they should find it easier to speak to me”.

A new Mentoring Initiative was launched: Over the last few years, Swiftclean has developed a Mentoring process for new starters during their 6-month probation period, as part of our strategy pillar ‘4 People’. Our mentors work in separate departments from their mentees and are not their direct reports. This is important, as it means they can speak freely without upsetting anyone in their direct team if a problem arises, as well as get to know someone outside of their direct department and expand their knowledge of the business. Often, a simple conversation with another work colleague can be all that is required to help someone.

Revamped our appraisal Process: We recently held a workshop for managers, on how to hold an appraisal as part of a new and improved appraisal process. Regular appraisals with a line manager keep lines of communication open and give clear objectives as to what the employee is expected to achieve in their day-to-day role and allows them to raise any issues or suggest any preferences for a particular task or project. This is particularly important during the induction and probation period, where reviews are more frequent.

Our teams are given the correct training and equipment to ensure they can carry out their roles confidently, effectively and efficiently.

If you’re experiencing stress in the workplace, you might notice changes in the ways you work, because of the way your thoughts and feelings affect you but talking to someone you trust and about how you feel and the pressure you’re under can help. Speaking to your line manager, your mentor, or a colleague gives them a chance to help improve things for you.

There are also free NHS talking therapies available in England for anyone aged 18 or over, and you can refer yourself without having to see a GP.

We also have a list of charities where further support and guidance can be found.

Work-related stress – NHS (

Working Minds – Work Right to keep Britain safe

Causes and signs of stress – Managing work-related stress – AcasWorking Minds – Work Right to keep Britain safe

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