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Meet the Team – Business Administration Apprentice

Name: Lewis Hodgetts

Job title: Business Administration Apprentice

Date joined Swiftclean: 22/05/23

What’s the best thing you did recently?

Got promoted to Sergeant at the Royal Air Force Air Cadets

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

To be able to play an instrument like the piano.

What was your first job?

I worked for Pauls Discount – a school uniform and work wear shop.

Coffee or tea? Milk in first or last?

Tea milk first.

What book or movie have you recently read/seen and why would you recommend it?

Top gun one for the aviation geeks out there full of action can’t go wrong.

What fictional place would you like to visit?

Charlies’ chocolate factory

What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done?

I am planning to go to watch the F1 live at Silverstone – will be an amazing day.

What’s something that recently made you smile?

Recently watching my brothers join cadets.

What is your 15 minutes of fame?

I appeared on the X factor obviously not singing but in the audience.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

It will all come with time.

What’s your dream job?

A logistical driver in the Royal Air Force

What has surprised you about the job in the first few days?

The amount of work that goes on in the office to get the engineers on the road.

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