Meet the Team – Compliance Supervisor
Welcome to our series of ‘Meet the Team’. Here’s where you find out some fun, slightly off the wall facts about our team members!
Name: Joshua Williams
Job title: Compliance Supervisor
Date joined Swiftclean: 17/07/2023
What’s the best thing you did recently?
Bought a new car
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Learn to play golf
What was your first job?
Cleaner at Sainsbury’s
Coffee or tea? Milk in first or last?
What book or movie have you recently read/seen and why would you recommend it?
The Flash or Happy Gilmore
What fictional place would you like to visit?
What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done?
Travel to Disney Land Florida
What’s something that recently made you smile?
Meeting everyone in the office
What is your 15 minutes of fame?
Passing my driving test first time
What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
Mistakes gives you an opportunity to learn and grow and to be better from them
What’s your dream job?
What has surprised you about the job in the first few days?
How much goes into booking each job and what goes on behind the scenes