Swiftclean Academy – now a Highfield-approved training centre
We are pleased to announce that the Swiftclean Academy is now an approved Highfield training centre.
Highfield Qualification is one of the UK’s leading awarding organizations for vocational qualifications, work-based learning, and apprenticeship qualifications.
Regulated by Ofqual, SQA, Qualifications Wales and CCEA, they are accredited to award qualifications right across the UK, although their qualifications are delivered by centres all over the world.

Our Training Manager, Richard Crews, said “the approval of Highfield means that we can now offer in-house courses on Legionella Control for Responsible Persons Training – Level 3 and Legionella Awareness Level 2 Hot and Cold Water Systems in addition to our existing BESA TR19 Grease and Air courses. This cements our standing in the air and water hygiene industry as a respected compliance company, and also means that our teams are trained to the highest of industry standards”.
Our first in house course was held in June and candidate feedback was exemplary. The trainer was perceived to be knowledgeable and covered relevant topics with participation and interaction encouraged throughout the training day.
The Swiftclean Academy has been delivering courses since 2017 and has recently updated and improved its practical training room to include a specialised air training room, tailored to suit the requirements of the BESA TR19 Air course.