Day nurseries and pre-schools provide a safe and structured environment for children under five where they can play, learn skills, be part of a group and make friends while their parents work or study.
Parents want reassurance that their children are being looked after – not only their mental but also their physical well-being. Nurseries should be aware of the need to take care of their air and water hygiene for example, making sure their water system is clean and there is no risk of Legionella, or, having their kitchen extract system checked and cleaned to avoid the risk of fire within the building.
Good hygiene and controlling the risk of infection is an important task for the responsible person in all educational facilities and day nurseries are no exception.
Swiftclean offers legally compliant services in:
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Your legal responsibilities
Fire Safety in Education Establishments'
As an Education establishment, it is your responsibility to ensure that kitchen grease extract systems (canopies, filters, ductwork, risers and fans) are cleaned regularly to prevent fires in accordance with Fire Safety Regulations and Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) regulations. The specification TR19® Grease provides guidance for controlling fire risk in kitchen extract systems. Buildings insurance policies specify cleaning as a condition of cover. Find out more about Kitchen Extract Compliance and Kitchen Extract Cleaning for fire safety.
Legionella Control
Infection with legionella bacteria can be fatal in approximately 12% of reported cases. This rate can be higher in a more susceptible population; for example, immunosuppressed patients or those with other underlying disease. Certain groups of people are known to be at a higher risk of contracting Legionnaires’ disease; for example, men appear to be more susceptible than women, as do those over 45 years of age, smokers, alcoholics, diabetics and those with cancer or chronic respiratory or kidney disease. Water storage tanks in Education establishments are a potential breeding ground for Legionella and must be regularly inspected and cleaned as required in compliance with L8, BSRIA and CIBSE guidelines. Find out more about Legionella Compliance and Legionella Control.
If you don’t have a risk assessment, or don’t know when one was last carried out, you need to take action right away. We can help. You will find more information on our Legionella Control pages.
(LEV) Local Exhaust Ventilation
The HSE’s Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations requires that, where certain chemicals and other substances are used in industrial and commercial processes, they should either be contained or safely dispersed
Also a requirement of these regulations is that LEV systems should be regularly tested to ensure that they are operating efficiently (ideally every 14 calendar months). The provision of this service ensures that LEV systems are adequate and within regulations. Swiftclean has a team of specialist trained surveyors who carry out comprehensive LEV testing across the UK. Find out more about Local Exhaust Ventilation and Ventilation Compliance.
Laundry Extract Ventilation Cleaning
Laundry extract systems should form part of the building manager’s fire risk assessment and are covered by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This advises that laundry extract systems should be regularly inspected and the ductwork cleaned in order to prevent fires. Failure to do so may be construed as negligence and may also compromise your insurance cover, as well as impacting your workers’ health and putting them at increased risk from fire.
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