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Swiftclean supports leisure centres with packaged services that can cover several of their air and water hygiene challenges in one go.

We can work with your team in a technical partnership, bringing in-depth knowledge of all current legislation as well as industry codes of practice guidelines and buildings insurance clauses that affect the control of legionella and cleaning of ductwork, water tanks and kitchen extracts.

Swiftclean offers legally compliant services in:

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    Your legal responsibilities

    Legionella control

    Leisure centre operators have a legal responsibility to carry out Legionella Risk Assessments and undertake regular programmes of maintenance to prevent legionella. Certification of the inspections and work is required in order that you can prove you have done all that is required by law. Failure to comply will result in prosecution by the HSE (Health & Safety Executive). Deaths resulting from legionella outbreaks can lead to prosecutions for corporate manslaughter along with prosecutions of individual managers who fail to meet their responsibilities.  Find out more about Legionella Compliance and Legionella Control.

    Kitchen extract fire safety

    Your fire risk assessment will highlight the need for kitchen extract cleaning to be carried out. and what should be done to control the risk as stated in The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Our kitchen extract fire safety service is endorsed by AXA Insurance and is carried out to the latest industry specification – TR19® Grease – issued by the Building and Engineering Services Association (BESA).

    Indoor Air Quality

    Poor indoor air quality is a relatively common occurrence and exposure to contaminants at significant levels can have wide ranging short and long-term impacts on health and performance levels.

    There is a legal requirement to conduct appropriate air testing if your risk assessments carried out under The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations have identified that there are substances or activities occurring on site which pose specific health risks related to air quality.

    There is currently no specific legal requirement for routine monitoring of indoor air quality to be conducted in typical workplace environments (i.e. offices, schools, public buildings), however, The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations require under regulation 6, that building owners and managers ensure that enclosed workplaces are ventilated with fresh and purified air.

    Fire dampers

    Regular fire/smoke damper testing (known as function testing) as well as fire/smoke damper cleaning and maintenance is both a legal requirement and a critical part of building fire safety management.

    In accordance with BS 9999, all fire dampers should be function-tested, cleaned and maintained at least every year.

    Ventilation ductwork cleaning

    The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 requires every enclosed workspace to be ventilated by a sufficient quantity of fresh or purified air and requires mechanical ventilation systems to be subject to a suitable system of maintenance and cleaned as appropriate.

    Our ventilation services are carried out in accordance with the latest industry-recognised specification from the Building and Engineering Services Association, TR19® Air – Specification for internal cleanliness and hygiene management of ventilation systems.

    Delaying Legionella prevention adds to public health risk, says Swiftclean

    Is your clinic compliant?

    Stepping up hygiene so we can all breathe more easily

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    CALL 0800 243 471

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