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For Legally Compliant Properties

Fire safety should be a priority for everybody who owns, manages or oversees a building or property, whether it’s commercial, industrial, residential or owned by a public body .

Fire dampers are a crucial part of any fire system and need to be  checked, tested and maintained regularly in order to ensure that they are working effectively and able to do their job if a fire were to break out.

At Swiftclean we provide essential Coventry fire damper testing services that help to ensure compliance with the relevant fire safety standards, legislation, regulations and BS 5588-9 code of practice.

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    What Is a Fire Damper and How Does It Work?

    A fire damper is a passive fire protection device which is fitted within a buildings HVAC infrastructure where the ducts pass through fire compartments such as fire-resistant walls and floors. They are designed to keep smoke and fire contained and slow them from spreading to other areas of the building.

    Fire dampers resemble a  box with shutters or blades that remain open to allow the free flow of air throughout the ducts. There are different types of dampers but for the most part they are activated by a thermal element which senses the rise in temperature and triggers the damper, causing it to spring shut. This works to prevent the fire from being able to travel rapidly through the ductwork and reaching other areas of the property.

    Why is it Important to Test Fire Dampers?

    The difference between having fully functioning fire dampers and dampers which fail can literally be the difference between life and death which is why it is a legal requirement for them to be regularly  checked, tested and maintained.

    Fire dampers that are in top working order help to;

    • Reduce the rapid spread of fire and contain it on the correct side of the fire barrier longer
    • Allow more time for occupants to safely evacuate
    • Limit the amount of damage done to the property, stock, equipment and belongings
    • Help to preserve vital fire escape routes
    • Keep exit paths clear for occupants and firefighters
    • Provide more time for emergency services to arrive

    If even a single fire damper fails, it can lead to;

    • Smoke and fire spreading rapidly through the ductwork and the building
    • Occupants becoming overwhelmed by smoke or trapped by the fire
    • Compromised escape routes
    • More damage to the property and its contents
    • A bigger fire that is more dangerous and harder to put out
    • Less time for people to safely escape

    Professional Fire Damper Services

    At Swiftclean we know just how important it is to check, test and maintain fire dampers to help keep your property and those inside safe from the dangers of fire. Our team work to deliver comprehensive services for the testing of fire dampers in Coventry, so that you can have peace of mind knowing your building is compliant.

    If you have any questions about our services or would like to find out more then please get in touch and one of our friendly advisors will be happy to help.


    What Causes Fire Dampers to Fail?

    Fire dampers are tucked away, hidden inside ductwork which can make them tricky to access and this means that unlike other visible fire protection products such as fire extinguishers, there can be issues with them that go unnoticed.

    Fire damper testing is the only way to make sure that each damper is in full working order and that there are not any issues that could cause them to fail when they are most needed.

    Some of the most common reasons for fire damper failure include;

    • Obstructions or blockages such as being held open with objects or wires and cables being installed through the opening
    • Faulty or broken parts
    • Build-up of dust, dirt, grime and debris
    • Poor installation

    Rust and corrosion

    Is Fire Damper Testing a Legal Requirement?

    Regular fire damper testing is a legal requirement and an essential part of any buildings fire safety management. In accordance with BS 9999:2017 (Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design, Management & Use of Buildings) they should be drop tested, cleaned and maintained by a competent person at least once a year, with no more than 12 months between testing. They must also be repaired immediately if they are found to be faulty.

    As the owner, landlord or manager of a non-domestic premises, it is your responsibility to ensure that fire dampers are sufficiently tested and maintained. If it is found that you have failed to comply then you could face penalties, fines, and even criminal charges.

    What Happens During Fire Damper Testing?

    Here is an overview of what should be covered during fire damper testing and maintenance:

    • An inventory is created including all fire dampers and their locations.
    • Each fire damper is inspected for any visible damage, faults, corrosion or obstructions.
    • One at a time, the fire dampers are manually activated and ‘dropped’ to check their effectiveness.
    • All channels and runners are cleaned.
    • Advice is given on any corrosion, damage, issues or parts that need to be repaired or replaced.
    • The fire dampers are all reset.

    A comprehensive report is produced detailing – all fire dampers locations, any maintenance or cleaning that was carried out, test findings, required repairs and replacements, photographic evidence and details on any failures.

    Swiftclean commitment:

    • Identify and locate each fire damper
    • Retrofit access doors if any of these are inaccessible
    • Carry out fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing and reset each fire damper
    • Provide accurate records of fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing, including before and after photographs of cleaning
    • Identify any problems and recommend remedial action
    • Carry out remedial work where required

    Call for a FREE quote

    Please call us or email for further advice and a free quote.

    CALL 0800 243 471

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