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For Safe, Compliant Buildings

Fire dampers are an essential part of any building’s fire safety and work to help slow the spread of smoke and fire, preventing them from travelling to other parts of the building via ventilation ducts.

Just like with any fire protection, detection or suppression product, without proper and regular testing, fire dampers can be faulty, or fail to work when they are needed the most, putting the property, stock, equipment, belongings and people’s lives in danger.

At Swiftclean, our dedicated team of specialists can take care of everything, carrying out all the required tests, checks and maintenance needed to ensure that all of the buildings fire dampers are in full working order and compliant with the required fire safety legislation.

What is a Fire Damper?

Fire dampers are a passive fire protection device, fitted in air transfer openings, ductwork and ventilation systems. They are typically installed in areas where fire rated structures such as walls, doors and other fire barriers are penetrated.

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    Fire dampers have blade stacks which act like a shutter, remaining open when they are not needed to allow air to flow freely throughout the ductwork. In the event of a fire, the damper is triggered, and slams shut which restricts flames and smoke from passing through the fire zones and spreading to other areas of the building.

    Why are Fire Dampers so Important?

    Without fire dampers in place, the ductwork and ventilation systems within a building can act like a conduit, transporting smoke and fire quickly to other areas of the property and allowing it to spread rapidly.

    The job of fire dampers in a building is to prevent this from happening by effectively sealing the ductwork shut and stopping the transfer of smoke and fire, containing it for as long as possible to its origin.

    Fully tested and functioning fire dampers are so crucial because in the event of a fire they;

    • Preserve exit routes
    • Reduce the amount of damage to the premises, stock, equipment, goods and belongings
    • Allow more time for the safe evacuation of those onsite
    • Delay the spread of smoke and fire which could delay or prevent occupants from escaping
    • Provide vital extra time needed for emergency services to arrive

    Fire Damper Services

    At Swiftclean, our team of expert engineers can carry out fast and effective tests, checks and maintenance for fire dampers within buildings of all types, size and complexity. From hotels, stadiums, schools and offices to shops, restaurants, warehouses and factories, we make sure that everything is taken care of for complete peace of mind that your fire dampers are in full working order.

    If you would like to know more about London fire damper testing and how we can help you, please do not hesitate to get in touch and one of our advisors will be happy to help.


    How does a fire damper work?

    The main purpose of a fire damper is to restrict fire and smoke from crossing through fire barriers, or using the buildings ductwork to travel and infiltrate other areas of the property. They are installed near areas with fire resistant walls, doors and floors to protect their integrity and contain the fire at its source.

    Under regular conditions the damper remains open, allowing air to flow freely. There are different types of dampers that are activated with either a sensor, fusible link or electronic alert which when triggered in the event of a fire, will cause the damper to quickly slam shut.

    This barrier helps to prevent the fire from spreading, reducing the amount of damage, preserving exit routes and providing more time for occupants to safely evacuate.

    What is a fire damper drop test?

    A fire damper drop test generally consists of two parts:

    Part 1 – This involves carrying out visual checks on the fire damper, making sure everything looks in working order. They should be thoroughly checked and inspected for signs of damage, corrosion or blockages that could prevent the damper from closing all the way or working effectively.

    Part 2 – This involves manually releasing the fire damper which is known as the ‘drop test’. The ‘shutter’ should fall and seal off the duct, following which the tester can then examine the damper, it’s parts and mechanism to make sure that it is all working properly and in good condition. If the fire damper is working as it should be and there are no issues to be found, then it is reset.

    Why do fire dampers need testing?

    If fire dampers are not properly tested, checked and maintained then it is possible that  when they are needed, they may fail to work effectively or at all, the consequences of which can be severe.

    Fire damper failure is not uncommon due to their placement. They are often in difficult to access areas which makes them  hard to clean or even check. Some of the most common reasons that fire damper fail include:

    • Build ups of dirt, dust and debris preventing them from sealing shut
    • Blockages and obstructions such as wires or cables that have been unknowingly fitted by workmen through the damper opening
    • Poor installation
    • Broken or faulty parts such as the fusible link or electronic trigger failing
    • Rust or corrosion that can lead to the blades or springs becoming jammed

    Swiftclean commitment:

    • Identify and locate each fire damper
    • Retrofit access doors if any of these are inaccessible
    • Carry out fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing and reset each fire damper
    • Provide accurate records of fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing, including before and after photographs of cleaning
    • Identify any problems and recommend remedial action
    • Carry out remedial work where required

    Call for a FREE quote

    Please call us or email for further advice and a free quote.

    CALL 0800 243 471

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