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Fire Dampers Save Lives

When a fire breaks out in a property, an effective fire safety system will have various elements including detection, notification, protection, and suppression. Fire dampers are not well known by all and are an effective passive fire protection device that play a critical role in determining the outcome of a fire for the building, its contents and those inside.

At Swiftclean, our dedicated team of specialists work to deliver professional, reliable, and cost-effective Newcastle fire damper testing services that help to ensure that they are in top working order and ready to do their job in case they are needed.

What Are Fire Dampers?

Fire dampers are a key part of any effective fire safety system and are fitted within HVAC ductwork in areas where they pass through fire rated barriers such as walls and floors. Under normal conditions, the shutters or blades of the damper always remain open to allow air to circulate freely.

If a fire was to break out, then the damper’s sensor (usually a thermal element) will melt due to the atmospheres rise in temperature, and this triggers the shutters to quickly close. This works to effectively seal the duct and greatly reduces the time it takes for smoke and fire to travel and spread to other areas of the building.

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    What Can Cause Fire Dampers to Fail?

    Because fire dampers are out of sight and can be difficult to access, they can be easily forgotten about by those whose responsibility it is to maintain them. However, if they are not regularly tested, checked, and maintained then they can fail to work properly at the time they are needed the most.

    Some of the most common reasons that fire dampers fail include;

    • Obstructions or blockages
    • Poor or improper installation
    • Build-up of dust, grease, dirt, grime, and debris
    • Wear and tear
    • Broken or faulty parts
    • Corrosion and rust

    If even one fire damper was to fail or not work effectively then it can mean the difference between life and death as it can lead to;

    • Fire and smoke using the ductwork to spread quicky to other areas of the building
    • Fire not being contained and a small, manageable fire turning into a much bigger and more dangerous one
    • Compromised escape routes
    • Less time for people to safely evacuate
    • Increased damage to the property and its contents
    • Those inside becoming overwhelmed by smoke
    • Occupants becoming trapped by fire

    This is why it is a legal requirement that fire dampers are tested by a competent person at intervals not exceeding one year, but this should be done more frequently in properties that are more heavily polluted with dust, grease, grime etc.

    Swiftclean Fire Damper Services

    We work to deliver comprehensive fire damper testing, servicing and maintenance that is suitable for properties, businesses and organisations of all size, type, and complexity.

    If you have any questions or would like to find out more about our testing services for fire dampers in Newcastle then please do not hesitate to get in touch or fill out the contact form and a member of our team will get back to you.

    Swiftclean commitment:

    • Identify and locate each fire damper
    • Retrofit access doors if any of these are inaccessible
    • Carry out fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing and reset each fire damper
    • Provide accurate records of fire damper testing, cleaning and drop testing, including before and after photographs of cleaning
    • Identify any problems and recommend remedial action
    • Carry out remedial work where required

    Call for a FREE quote

    Please call us or email for further advice and a free quote.

    CALL 0800 243 471

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