There are many challenges when it comes to social housing. Landlords need to ensure that the properties their tenants reside in are safe and compliant with relevant legislation. Our dedicated team works with councils, housing associations and local authorities across the UK to help manage the requirements of fire safety and Legionella control for their housing stock.
For those responsible for multiple properties across numerous sites, there are often a lot of things to manage and keep on top of every day such as maintenance, safety and cleanliness. This is unfortunately how critical things such as fire safety and Legionella control can be missed or forgotten about, when they play an important part of protecting the property and the occupants from potential harm as well as keeping them safe and healthy.
At Swiftclean, we deliver professional, reliable and effective fire safety and Legionella control solutions for properties owned or managed by local authorities, councils and housing associations. Our specialist services ensure that not only are the homes you are responsible for safe, but we provide all relevant documentation so that you can prove the inspections, risk assessments and work has been professionally carried out.
When it comes to Legionella control, residents themselves or regular cleaners are not likely to be qualified or experienced in carrying out the necessary tests, checks and specialist cleaning that is required to make contaminated areas safe. The same goes for fire dampers which require proper testing, cleaning and maintenance in order to keep them working and functioning as they should in the event that they are ever needed.
Services for Social Housing
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Your legal responsibilities
Legionella Control
Legionella bacteria can be found in both natural water sources and man-made water systems. To have a certain amount of bacteria present is normal but under certain conditions they can thrive and multiply to dangerous levels, putting those within the systems vicinity at risk. The bacteria can cause flu-like symptoms and illnesses, the most serious of which is Legionnaire’s disease which is a form of Pneumonia that can have severe consequences and even prove fatal.
As an individual, organisation or landlord in charge of premises with social, council or housing association tenants, it’s your legal duty to understand the danger and health risks that Legionella can pose and take every reasonable measure to control, manage and prevent the risk of exposure.
At Swiftclean, we provide professional Legionella control support services for social housing to help ensure that the properties and the tenants within them are safe from the potential dangers of a Legionella outbreak. All of our work is carried out in accordance with the L8, Approved Code of Practice, which is the recognised industry guidance.
Fire Dampers
Fire dampers are an important passive fire protection measure installed in ventilation, heating and air-conditioning ducts where they pass a fire barrier. In the event of a fire these duct fittings close, forming a temporary barrier that slows the fire from spreading through the property, buying valuable time for residents to safely evacuate.
Fire dampers come in a number of different types, all of which require regular testing, cleaning and maintenance. Councils, housing associations and local authorities who manage buildings with tenants are legally responsible under the British Standard BS 9999:2017 to ensure that all fire dampers are tested at least every 12 months.
Fire dampers are an incredibly important part of fire safety and so must be properly maintained to ensure that if they are ever needed, they are in full working order. At Swiftclean, we provide professional fire damper testing services to help you locate, test, clean and maintain them for straight forward fire damper compliance.
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